Managing Acid Reflux

If you find yourself constantly taking antiacids and feeling an acidic burning in your throat after eating, you have probably dealt with acid reflux. Acid reflux occurs when the muscle at the end of your esophagus is weakened and doesn’t close properly. When it doesn’t close completely, this allows stomach acid and food to flow back up the esophagus, causing acid reflux. Dr. Kevin Marks at Premier Gastroenterology in Katy, TX, can explain how acid reflux can be managed and what you can do to stop acid reflux from controlling your life.

Managing Your Acid Reflux

When acid reflux isn’t managed and happens on a regular basis, it can cause your throat to feel sore and can give you bad breath and a bad taste in your mouth. Acid reflux can be managed with lifestyle changes as recommended by your gastroenterologist in Katy, TX.

You may want to try and eat smaller meals at a slow pace if you have the time. This prevents your stomach from being extremely full and pushing food back up into the esophagus. You should also avoid certain foods that are fatty, spicy, or acidic and avoid foods like onions, garlic, coffee, tea, or chocolate. Reducing your alcohol consumption can also help minimize acid reflux.

You should also avoid carbonated beverages that make you burp and make sure that you wait to lie down after eating. When it’s time to go to bed, make sure that your head is elevated so that acid reflux is less likely to happen. You should also quit smoking and talk to your doctor about the medications you’re taking to make sure that they aren’t exacerbating your problems.

Contact Your Gastroenterologist Today!

Don’t let acid reflux control your life! Contact Dr. Kevin Marks at Premier Gastroenterology in Katy, TX, to learn how to manage your acid reflux today. Call for more information and to schedule an appointment today at (281) 392-0425.

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