Relief From Acid Reflux

Relief From Acid Reflux

If you struggle with acid reflux and often turn to over-the-counter antiacids for relief you may want to pay a visit to your Katy, TX, gastroenterologist, Dr. Kevin Marks of Premier Gastroenterology. Recurring acid reflux can be a symptom of a condition called gastroesophageal reflux disease, otherwise known as GERD.

Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

If you've experienced acid reflux you know how it feels, that uncomfortable burning sensation in your chest, neck, and the back of your throat. What is happening is that some of the contents of your stomach are moving back up into the esophagus.

It can be caused by eating too much, too quickly, and laying down too soon after eating, but if you are experiencing acid reflux more than twice per week then you may be dealing with GERD and not simply occasional heartburn. Other symptoms of GERD can include a recurring cough and chest pain.

Acid Reflux Treatment in Katy, TX

There is no cure for GERD or chronic acid reflux but there are several ways your doctor can help you alleviate and manage the most noticeable symptoms. If these are mild your doctor may recommend over-the-counter antacids along with lifestyle changes, but for chronic symptoms, the types of medication prescribed include H2 receptor blockers and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), which can lower the amount of acid that your stomach makes.

Lifestyle changes are just as important as medication for managing your symptoms, some of the easier ones to take into practice are avoiding heavy meals late in the evening and waiting a few hours after dinner before lying down. Quitting smoking and regulating your weight can be the more difficult to achieve but are important for your overall health. If you are looking for help managing your acid reflux symptoms in Katy, TX, you can schedule a consultation with Dr. Marks of Premier Gastroenterology by dialing (281) 392-0425.

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